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The Herdsman Award


The Herdsmanship Program is designed to encourage and acknowledge the good work of 4-H and FFA exhibitors as they care for their livestock at the show, and work effectively with superintendents and the public.  Herdsmanship prizes will be awarded in the Beef, Sheep/Goat, Swine, Rabbit, Poultry, and Dairy divisions. The name of the exhibit must be clearly posted as soon as the animals are stalled to be eligible. A committee will make inspections to determine the winners.  The following points will be considered:


A good herdsman takes thorough, timely care of their animals from the first thing in the morning, through the day and into the evening in terms of the animal’s health, feeding, watering, and cleanliness.  Stalls, pens, and cages are clean and neat. Bedding is clean and fresh. Feed pans and buckets are clean and in place. All manure is cleaned out and deposited in designated areas.


A good herdsman does their best to minimize the stress on their livestock from before they leave home, until after the fair is over.

It does not cost a great deal of money to be a good herdsman.  It does mean that the member is actively involved with the care of their animals and presents their animals, pens, stalls in a way that promotes agriculture and shows the best of 4-H and FFA to the public.  That means not only the pens and stalls themselves but also tack, feed, equipment, aisles and the other areas in and around each member’s barn area.


A good herdsman is ready to show and on time.


A good herdsman observes all rules and regulations and exhibits an attitude of good sportsmanship.


A good herdsman is helpful to other exhibitors, the public, superintendents, and others that are making the show possible and to the public viewing the exhibits.


A good herdsman is encouraged to work closely with others and may rely upon their help from time to time. However, responsibility, work, and effort as it relates to caring for, feeding and managing animals while at stock show must be that of the exhibitor. This award is meant to reward exhibitors for their own efforts.

The Erath County Junior Livestock Show is a wonderful chance to demonstrate the good work you do to the entire community.  Be creative and make the most of this opportunity!

The Erath County Farm Bureau is excited to announce that they will sponsor a Good Herdsman Award again at the 2023. Erath County Junior Livestock Show. The Herdsmanship winner will be awarded in the Beef, Sheep/Goat, Swine, Rabbit, Poultry, and Dairy divisions and will receive a buckle along with a $100.00 premium.

To Participate:
Download, print and hang the Herdsman Poster on your pen at the 2025    stock show.
Or contact your FFA/4H advisor.

© 2025 by Erath County Junior Livestock Show               Photos & Design by: Caitlin Moyer Photography

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